ISAAH 2010 Tampa Florida
A summary wrap-up of the meeting and Myxozoan session is available to download in pdf format.
Here is the original letter of invitation from meeting organisers, Andrew Kane & Sarah Poynton:
"You are warmly invited to participate in ISAAH-6. The AFS Fish Health Section, sponsoring this event, will hold its annual meeting as an integral part of the symposium. The symposium will address present practices and new initiatives in aquatic animal health, focusing on infectious diseases, wild stocks, aquaculture development, planning and emergency response systems, interaction of diseases between wild and farmed stocks, and outcomes of physical, chemical and biological environmental stress. The previous international symposia on aquatic animal health have attracted strong international support, with up to 425 participants from 35 countries!
The symposium will provide an inclusive forum for presentation of research, management, and policy issues related to the health of aquatic animals, whether wild, farmed or held on exhibit. The broadest range of animals is considered, from invertebrates, to fish, amphibians, chelonians and marine mammals. Four days of scientific sessions will include invited plenary lectures and special topic sessions, parallel sessions of oral presentations, a dedicated half-day poster session, a student workshop, a diagnostic challenges session, and an exhibits area for books and informational displays from participating scientific organizations.
The symposium venue will be the beautiful Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel, which features elegant accommodations, a choice of restaurants, an outdoor pool, and waterfront terraces. Base room rates have been specially-negotiated at $129 USD, single or double. Tampa is an eclectic city, with many nearby attractions, and is served by an excellent international airport.
Registration, abstract submission, travel grant applications, and hotel reservation information, will be available in early spring 2010. More information is available on symposium website ("
Please join us!
Andrew S. Kane
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida
Sarah L. Poynton
Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine