ISAAH 2006 San Francisco
The meeting brochure is available to download in pdf format.
The myxozoan sessions are almost finalised. Abstracts of the presentations and posters are listed below and can be downloaded by clicking the abstract title.
Epizootiology of Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) in Mediterranean mariculture systems
A. Diamant (1)* ,O. Palenzuela (2), P. Alvarez-Pellitero (2) , F. Athanassopoulou (3) , E. Golomazou (3) , G. Albiñana (4) , F. Padrós (4) , S. Crespo (4) , A. Lipshitz (1) , C. Ghittino (5) , F. Agnetti (5) , A. Marques (6) A. Le Breton (7) , J.F. Raymond (8)
Histozoic developmental stages of Myxobolus karuni and M. persicus from three new hosts
Mahmoud Masoumian (1) ? , Jamileh Pazooki (2), Sayed Reza Mortezaie (3), Mehdi Chobchian (4), Behyar Jalali Jafari (4)
Phylogeography of the cosmopolitan parasite Kudoa thyrsites reveals cryptic species
Christopher M Whipps* and Michael L Kent
Myxosporidiosis in Indian carps
Kalavati, C.
Preliminary study of an unknown myxosporidian parasite found in the bile ducts of brown bullheads Ameiurus nebulosus from Ohio, USA
Deborah D. Cartwright-Iwanowicz (1,2)*, Vicki S. Blazer (1), Luke R. Iwanowicz (1,3)
A survey of myxozoans from the Pacific Northwest of North America reveals novel and known spore types and life cycles
Stephen D. Atkinson (1,2)*, Sascha L. Hallett (1), Jerri L. Bartholomew (1)
Transmission of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae from brown trout Salmo truttae to the freshwater bryozoan Fredericella sultana
David J. Morris, Alexandra Adams
Parvicapsula minibicornis and Ceratomyxa shasta and the failure of the Klamath River salmon fishery
Jerri L. Bartholomew (1)*, Richard W. Stocking (1), Sascha L. Hallett (1) and Stephen D. Atkinson (1,2)
Myxobolus cerebralis infection patterns in Yellowstone cutthroat trout
Silvia Murcia (1)*, Billie L. Kerans (1), Beth MacConnell (2), Todd M. Koel (3)
Development of Myxobolus cerebralis, the agent of Whirling Disease, in four genetic lineages of its oligochaete host Tubifex tubifex
Dolores V. Baxa (1)*, Barry Nehring (2) and Ronald P. Hedrick (1)
The effect of water temperature on the development of enteric myxozoans causing myxosporean emaciation disease of cultured tiger puffer
Tetsuya Yanagida (1)*, Hiroshi Yokoyama (1) and Kazuo Ogawa (1)
Temperature-driven parasite proliferation in invertebrate hosts portends salmonid declines
Beth Okamura (1)* and Sylvie Tops (2)
Evaluation of a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of myxospore and actinospore stages of Henneguya ictaluri
Matt J. Griffin (1,2)* , Alvin C. Camus (2) , Linda M. Pote (1) , Michael J. Mauel (2) and David J. Wise (3)
Difference in pathological effects of Kudoa megacapsula (Myxozoa) between different host fishes
Hiroshi Yokoyama (1)* and Tetsuya Yanagida (1)
Myxozoanosis in waterfowl: a new host record?
Linda J. Lowenstine (1), Bruce A. Rideout (2), Michael M. Garner (3), Martin Busch (1), Michael Mace (2), Chris H. Gardiner (4), Sascha L. Hallett (5), Stephen D. Atkinson (5) and Jerri L. Bartholomew (5) *
Effects of water flow on the infection dynamics of Myxobolus cerebralis
Sascha L. Hallett and Jerri L. Bartholomew*
First description of actinospores (Myxozoa) from Syria: novel records of hexactinomyxon, triactinomyxon and endocapsa types
Csaba Székely(1)*, Sascha L. Hallett (2), Ahmad Al-Samman (3), Amal Dayoub (4)
Parvicapsula minibicornis: a myxozoan species complex?